Cirrus Seven has multiple storage options created from a large-scale, unified storage subsystem. An optimized offering built on this infrastructure consisting of File System, Object, and Block storage will be ordered and provisioned through the Cirrus Seven client portal using a single interface. Our storage offerings include built-in recovery and redundancy.

Solid State Drives offer the highest performance storage mechanism presently available. Cirrus Seven uses only the most advanced version, utilizing the Intel NVME standard.
Magnetic Media
Cirrus Seven leverages the CEPH open source storage framework to present storage in all the formats expected by customers.
Cirrus Seven’s file storage provides built-in redundancy and automatic recovery from error that is transparent to our clients.
Like our file storage offering, Cirrus Seven’s object storage provides built-in redundancy and automatic recovery from error that is transparent to our clients.
Blocks are stored redundantly within the same optimized, large-scale storage subsystem.
MySQL and MongoDB
Fully redundant, replicated storage engines for MySQL and MongoDB are available on SSD and Magnetic Media.